Creating a Driver Run Sheet in Puree

The Driver Run Sheet is an essential tool in Puree for managing deliveries efficiently, ensuring drivers have a clear and organised schedule for their delivery runs.

Introduction to Driver Run Sheets

Driver Run Sheets in Puree streamline the delivery process by organising orders into scheduled runs. This ensures that all deliveries are made efficiently and on time.

Step-by-Step Guide to Generating a Driver Run Sheet

Step 1: Access the Driver Run Sheet

  • Navigate to Driver Run Sheet: Select the ‘Driver Run Sheet’ option and choose the current date to view all orders and their delivery times.

Step 2: Organise Delivery Runs

  1. Determine Delivery Runs: Assess delivery times to establish how many delivery runs are needed.
  2. Assign Run Numbers: Label each delivery with a run number based on its scheduled time.

Step 3: Schedule Departures

  • Set Departure Times: Decide on a departure time from the kitchen for each run to ensure timely delivery.

Step 4: Sequence Deliveries

  • Plan Delivery Order: Arrange the delivery sequence based on proximity to the kitchen and scheduled delivery times.
  • Assign Sequence Numbers: Label each item within a run with a sequence number to guide the delivery order.

Step 5: Assign Drivers

  • Select Drivers: Choose a driver for each run from your managed list of drivers.
  • Driver Management: Add or remove drivers as needed to ensure all deliveries are covered.

Step 6: Save and Distribute

  • Save the Run Sheet: Once all information is entered, save the run sheet.
  • Print or Share: Choose between a basic or detailed run sheet to print or share with your drivers, providing them with a clear schedule for their deliveries.

Utilising the Driver Run Sheet

The Driver Run Sheet is a pivotal tool in ensuring that all deliveries are organised and executed smoothly. By following this guide, you can create detailed schedules for your drivers, improving the efficiency of your delivery process.

  • Pre-Planning: Allows for the efficient allocation of delivery tasks and driver assignments.
  • On-the-Day Execution: Provides drivers with a clear, sequential delivery schedule, ensuring no delivery is missed or delayed.
  • Post-Delivery Review: Facilitates the review of delivery efficiency and driver performance for continuous improvement.


Puree’s Driver Run Sheet feature is invaluable for catering businesses, ensuring that all deliveries are managed efficiently and effectively. By meticulously planning and organising delivery runs, catering businesses can enhance their delivery service, leading to greater customer satisfaction and operational excellence.

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